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Neuberger and Company, Inc. | Baltimore, MD and Georgia

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It’s been said that the easiest person to whom to sell something is the person to whom you’ve already sold something.

Existing customers are not only sources for referrals, but may also be “prospects” for additional business. Look for ways to expand the business you are currently conducting with them. Are there complementary products or services to the ones you currently provide? Are there upgrades or add-ons they should consider?

Also, look for ways to extend the business you’re doing with your existing clients. Are there other departments or divisions within the company with whom to do business? Are there parent or sister companies you should be seeking out? Don’t overlook opportunities to ask for internal referrals.

Generating business from an existing client is often thought of as a minor revenue strategy but when purposefully implemented, it can land sizeable deals. NIKA’s $25M IDIQ contract for OCONUS Medical Facilities is a terrific example of how a company can expand and extend within a client.

When speaking to your current clients about this, you can frame your “expansion /extension” questions around a beneficial outcome for the client. What should be implicit in your question is the answer to your customer’s inevitable question, “What’s in it for me?”

For each primary product or service you offer, you can usually identify one or more supplementary or complementary products you could/should offer. Each of these represents potential additional “wallet share” with your current customer base!


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